Our Dreams
Our Passion
We are a small group of individuals based in Nicaragua passionate about bringing you unique pieces, made with upcycled materials, that tell extraordinary stories. Our entire team is comprised of less than eight individuals, including partner artisans.
We believe in pursuing our dreams, and helping others achieve theirs. We create handmade, high quality designer accessories through repurposing materials. We invest our profits into our communities.

Anita's dream is to have her own architecture firm. We hired Anita for her first ever job aged 20. She had been forced to leave school at 12 as her boyfriend did not want her going. A mum of 2, she was controlled and felt trapped, unable to leave without financial security. With a job, Anita did not have to depend on her abusive partner for her and her children's economic stability. Anita decided to move away from the violence in her life and not look back. Today, Anita sends her children to school, and on the weekends, she studies too.
Urania's husband, with whom she had three children, would not let her work. That economic abuse ended, when he decided to leave them to start another family. Without education, Urania had no job to get ahead and support her children. She needed a job to turn her situation around. At Chureca Chic we trained her to sew, Urania put so much with effort into learning and found a passion! Urania is an outstanding seamstress, an independent woman, who provides for her children and invests in their education.
Nolaska, originally comes from one of the poorest and most violent neighborhoods in our capital city, Managua. When we met her, she was living at her aunt's house, one of 10 people sharing a small 2 bedroom space. Her and her husband had no where else to go with their young daughter as both were unemployed. With her job at Chureca Chic, she could save to build her and her husband an annex to her mother in law's house, in a safer neighbourhood. Both her children go to school and study English . Nolaska is adimant she does not want her children to grow up with the violence she did and, works every day to assure they have brighter opportunities.
Eveling lives in a household of 8 and had to work from an early age to support her family. Despite this she managed to finish school studying on the weekends. Her attention to detail is what makes her an excellent artisan and her passion for jewerley shines through every piece she make. With her job, Evelyn has been able to build herself a small home next to where her family live. She loves computing and is saving up to study a university degree in computer engineering.
Our workshops are located in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. Nicaragua lies in the heart of Central America; a country of crater lakes and towering volcanoes; a culture of revolutionary heroes and warrior poets; a land that captivates the soul in its difficult and beautiful contradictions.

Our mission is to create handmade fashion accessories that fill peoples lives with inspiration and art by offering a unique brand experience that advocates a socially conscious and environmentally responsible lifestyle.
Our vision is to become a leading example of a social enterprise that eliminates prejudice and connects communities through sustainable and transparent practices. To be internationally recognised for our commitment to creating a world in balance with equal opportunities through our art.
Every Chureca Chic piece is unique, handcrafted by upcycling waste materials, and locally, responsibly and ethically sourced materials. We are slow-fashion . We make our pieces to order, specifically for you, right after we receive your purchase. It can take between 4 - 6 weeks for your Chureca Chic piece to be made and wing its way from Nicaragua to your home.